Trust me.

I didn't believe it either.

Hi, I’m Mel Robbins.

At age 41, my life was a mess. I was unemployed. Facing bankruptcy. Marriage spiraling. Confidence shot. Hitting the bottle hard.

I struggled just to get out of bed. Every morning, the alarm clock would ring. I knew I should get up and deal but anxiety rushed in and I’d hit the snooze button instead. Here’s the thing. I wanted to change. I just couldn’t make myself do it. The smallest things felt impossible. I read books and bought journals. Nothing stuck. I prayed for motivation. It never came. There was literally always an excuse.


seconds change everything.

In five seconds flat, I stopped thinking and started moving forward. I stopped listening to the garbage in my mind and started thinking positive. Over time, I not only gained self-awareness and self-confidence - I discovered the simple secret to changing your life. I call it The 5 Second Rule.


Enough was enough.

Have you ever felt so stuck you wanted to give up? Well, that was me. One night, I was drowning my sorrows in bourbon, feeling like the world's biggest loser, when suddenly a rocket shot across my TV screen during a commercial and it gave me a crazy idea - what if, when the alarm rang, instead of thinking, I launched myself out of bed like a rocket.